Rail rituals

Following on from my last post, I was pondering the origins of this one: no one seems to know the exact reason, but many people particularly in North America, raise their feet when driving over train tracks. I was wondering if it might have something to do with highway robberies back when people drove horse and cart. But that’s pure speculation on my part. Anyway, according to folklore, it will bring you good luck. If luck’s not enough of an incentive, they say you’ll lose your sweetheart if you don’t do it. Sounds like a tough way to break up!

There is also the quaint ritual of obtaining safe travels by blowing left and right before you cross train tracks. My guess is that it’s a little like how you get a wish when you blow a candle out. Of course, you might see a train while you’re doing it, which is not a bad thing at all.

Train drivers themselves appear to be quite superstitious with many refusing to get aboard a locomotive with a number 9 on its engine. Likewise, 13 is considered unlucky. But we all know that already, right?

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